Records Disposition
eDiscoverySquad’s ECM System tags all electronic data and aligns it with the agency’s identified retention schedule. The Records Manager utilizes a customized dashboard developed by eDiscoverySquad to review all records scheduled for disposition.
Public Disclosures
eDiscoverySquad’s ECM System utilizes a centralized search of multiple repositories for all electronic data, which automates the extraction and formatting process. The ECM System tracks and compiles a journal of all public disclosure requests and associated responses. The ECM System allows you to know what, when, and where the electronic data originated from complying with local statutes.
Litigation Requests
eDiscoverySquad’s ECM System places a legal hold on all electronic data, which automatically puts a hold on any affected records that are scheduled for disposition. The Records Manager is notified if any electronic data is targeted for deletion by an end user. Key word search is performed and the data is automatically filtered and formatted to agreed upon litigation exchange protocol. Provides a seamless import to an affordable litigation review system that includes free eDiscovery processing.
IT Services for Government Agencies
Business Analysis
Organizational Taxonomy
Customized Software
Email and Document Tagging
Record Retention Schedules
Records Filtering
User Training